There are three hundred Osho Information Centers and Osho Meditation Centers in forty-five countries around the world. The types of centers vary from the home of a sannyasin to a large urban center with many types of programs and facilities. Whatever the size, one can meet sannyasins, look at Osho books, experience Osho meditations and have a taste of the world of Osho. To locate the center closest to you, contact your nearest Poona Information and Booking Center or World wide Distribution Centers for the Works of Osho.

Contact about Information of World Wide Osho Meditation and Distribution Center...

Osho Commune International
  17, Koregaon Park, Poona, 411001(MS), India
  Tel.: +91(0)212-628561
  Fax.: +91(0)212-624181
  Internet: The world of Osho Pages on

link to World Wide list of Osho Meditation Centers and Distributors


Copyright &Copy; Osho International Foundation 2001
Bahnhofstra'e 52, 8001 Zurich, Switzerland